At 8 weeks old, all the kitties want to do is play. It is a rare occasion that all four are in the same area and all awake. They had a rough day of going to the vet to get their 8 week shots, blood work, stool checked, ears checked, and health certificate. They did so great, no one even cried. The blue point boy (previously named Franklin for independence day) is now named Laffy Taffy because he is such an easy going lovable boy that he even likes to be on his back, cradled in your arms, and will purr like crazy. The other kitten available still is Brownie Brittle, a very active seal point female who is still very wiggily when you pick her up, but will play a lot and purr especially when given scratchies on her back. They are all go to go home as far as the vet is concerned, but are very clingy to mom still and usually go home around 10-12 weeks old. Let us know if you would like to put a deposit on Laffy Taffy or Brownie Brittle.